Holistic Nutritional Consulting to Restore Your Health

Nutritional Counseling for Improved Health
Holistic nutrition addresses the unique nutritional needs of the whole body while taking into account the individual’s health history, lifestyle, genetic patterns, detoxification, and digestive health requirements. Through combining a variety of dietary strategies, supplemental support, and lifestyle techniques, holistic nourishment is based on the body’s own powerful ability to balance, self-correct, and enhance the entire functioning of the individual. To encourage detoxification and support of specific organ systems, Balance Holistic Health works to create an effective customized nutritional program for each client with specific strategies that may include:

Nutrient Availability—complete evaluation of macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for specific organ function, optimum vitality, and energy production.

Alkalizing Foods—the addition of alkalizing foods to maintain healthy pH for optimum metabolic and system functioning. Tamara will outline quality food sources in this category.

Food Elimination—the elimination of food allergens to support digestive and immune health. Specific nutrition plans such as Paleo or AIP nutrition may be implemented short term.

Food Combination—maximizing digestion and assimilation in the body to reduce toxic residues that cause fatigue and illness.

Detoxification—using anti-inflammatory, decongesting, and detoxifying foods to support organ cleansing, elimination, and maximum functioning.

Nutritional Supplementation—maximum facilitation of healthy organ functioning and healing through specific herbal and nutritional supplements.

Tamara incorporates compassionate coaching to facilitate a healthy and loving relationship to one’s self to allow the mental and physical changes necessary to promote a lasting shift in healthy body function, image, and weight management. Nutritional awareness is essential when looking at chronic patterns of compromised immunity, metabolic, hormonal, and weight issues, fatigue, sugar cravings, congestive issues and allergies, digestive and skin issues, pain, inflammation, insomnia, and anxiety.

Tamara teaches intuitive eating and will educate on the foundational techniques of optimal digestion. In addition, she will promote balanced nutrition by incorporating macronutrients.