Lipo-Mino Weight loss

Benefits of Lipo-Mino

Lipo-Mino is used to help release fat throughout the body by specifically targeting its primary fatty deposits. Lipotropics, or fat burning substances include: inositol, which helps the liver remove fat; choline, which distributes cholesterol and prevents it from getting deposited in one part of the body; and methionine, which is similar to inositol, but also amplifies the combination.

Since lipotropics directly aid in the breakdown of fatty tissue, and are also closely related to B vitamins, when used together, they intensify each others’ positive weight loss effects.

The cocktail consists of the following:

  • Pyridoxine: Promotes red blood cell production plus converts food to energy
  • Methionine: helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy
  • Inositol: Converts food to energy
  • Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy
  • Cyanocobalamin: Energy, healthy nerve cells
  • L-Carnitine: Building blocks for proteins, helps body burn fat as fuel
  • Thiamine: Improves immune system, helps convert fat & carbohydrates into energy
  • Riboflavin: Increases metabolism, suppresses appetite