Colon Hydrotherapy

Embark on a journey towards holistic wellness with Colon Hydrotherapy, a gentle and drug-free method of cleansing the large intestine. Using a gravity-fed system, warm water is introduced into the colon, aiding in the removal of softened and loosened waste through natural peristalsis. Much like how we tone and tighten our outer bodies through exercise, Colon Hydrotherapy is an essential component of inner body wellness.

During a session, clients can expect a comfortable experience as a small amount of water flows into the colon, gently stimulating its natural peristaltic action to release softened matter. Sessions typically last around 45 minutes, ensuring a thorough cleanse while maintaining modesty and dignity throughout the process.

At our facility, we uphold the highest standards of sanitation and hygiene. We adhere strictly to I-ACT standards, utilizing disposable single-use tubing to ensure a sanitary and odorless experience for our clients. With Colon Hydrotherapy, rejuvenate your body from within and embark on a path towards improved overall health and vitality.